Your Trusted Lawn Care Professionals
Fall Trail

Fall Lawn Care

I hope this email finds you well. As the vibrant colors of autumn begin to unfold, it's a reminder that it's time to give our lawns the attention they deserve. With fall upon us, we are gearing up to ensure that our clients' lawns are prepared for the colder months...

Planting and removal service tree, bush, shrubs, Kansas City, Lee's Summit, Independence, Blue Springs.

Prep Your Lawn for Spring

Spring is the perfect time to give your lawn some TLC after the harsh winter months. Here are some steps to help get your lawn ready for spring: Rake the lawn: Start by removing any debris from the lawn such as fallen leaves and twigs. Use a lawn rake to...

Winter Fertilizer

The Benefits of Dormant Seeding for Lawns

Dormant Seeding for Lawns   Dormant seeding is the practice of planting grass seed during the dormant season, typically in late fall or winter, when grass is not actively growing. This method offers numerous advantages for establishing or renovating a lawn. By planting during the dormant season, the seed is...